Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thicker than Water.

Lost my apetite for quite a while.

I wonder what happened to that greedy side I used to have.

I've not been having my three daily meals instead, I survived with a slice of bread for the entire day.

Not on purpose, I swear.

It completely scares the hell out of me to watch me surviving with a slice of bread.

Very good right? ;)

However much I've lost my apetitte, it wouldn't help much on my diet plan.

hoho! :D

Anyway, we had a couple of drinks at some sort of 'char chan teng' cafe.

Although it reminds me of the extremely seafood place at BB.

These places somehow gives me goosebumps.

Hopefully my cravings would immediately come running back, soon! *fingers crossed*


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