Friday, January 09, 2009

I am Short but I Stand Tall.

I scored infinity for fighting back justice. *for myself of course!*

I will never throw a fuss or speak out loud to strangers. The thing I would normally do is just casually, allow people to push me around, especially when it comes to fighting for my own right.
Not today though, NOT TODAY.
There was an error on my parking ticket.
I then told myself to calm down, problem happens, and I rang the operator for help when they then assumed that my ticket seemed to be a "lost ticket" and a "customer service" ticket.
At this very point, I lost my anger *mind you, time is precious and I was running late to pick little sister for classes.* and decided to speak to the manager.

I swear, the talk-to-the-manager issue was worth mentioning. Impatient yet maintaining my manners, I explained which on all sorts of questions that was throwed to me.

One very random question throwed to me was,
"Tadi cik kat Maybank or Cold Storage tak?"
"Bang, do I look like I shop at Cold Storage. I was at TGIF the whole time."
"Apa TGV? You hilang ticket ya? Nih bukan ticket rasmi. Kena bayar RM 20." o_O
And the best line was,
"Well if this is the solution, you left me with no choice but I need to see your manager."

After all said and done, they finally got me a fresh ticket and let me off.
I swear, if I was still the 15 year old kid, I would stupidly have paid the RM20 to avoid further issues. Then again, if I was 15, I wasn't able to take control of a car.
Coming back to what this post is all about, Thank God it's FRIDAY!

Baboon butt and Myself.

One of the place I haven't visited in a while and these two lovelies treated me. :D
One thing in TGIF that you shoudn't miss is their sinful deserts especially the Mocha Mud Pie which we did not attempt to because of food overdosage.

Now you see me growing more fats here and there.

Keh leh kap and Kiong Si.
Called eachother weird chinese names since then. No prizes for guessing who is who. :p

Aren't you proud of my achievement today; I am short but I stand tall. *beams*


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