Friday, April 13, 2007

Why Do All Good Things Come to an End.

Hello guys, blog readers, lovers, friends, all!

yes! im feeling good now.


Haley from American Idol is Gonnee! Pooof just like that !

Awesome la.

Sanjaya should really leave man. Hes definetly next !

So Its been a weeek and classes was fine as usual. Just the same ol' same ol' story everyday. Personal stuff getting heavier and sorts.

Basically, I havent really had time to even catch my favourite movie nor doing stuff i like*

Things have really changed!

So today I had a heavy lunch with my new friends :D

I said heavy because if you guys actually know me, im just an average small eater compared to ALLLLL my friends. We had Pizza Hut today though!

Before I leave.

Please do tell me where do I get Good Charlotte's concert tickets?

shit! i really have to go for that la! roarr

Anyone interested ?



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