Monday, June 04, 2007

Flavor of the Week.

We are mean people.

Yes, we always think of a better way of skippin crabby's class and todays reason was having the student council to avoid his 30 minutes class.

And .. when it was time to enter the class, crabby gives most of us the normal "crabby" lecture which never fails to crack me up.

Humoungous mouth crabby

Oh so everyone should know that if you are one of "crabby's" students, you always have a dictonary at hand.

This is how we gain muscles and loose some weight every single day by carryin our approx 5KG dictonary to college every day.

hoho :D

Remember in my TRUE FRIENDS QUIZ, I had this question about my fav dine-in restaurant and one of the many answers is Ali Maju, Dinar Maju... basically MAMAKS!

Say hello to the normal food we have EVERYDAY at college. not everyday, just alternate days of mamaks woudnt kill otherwise if you're up for expensive fattening heavy carbo food, there's always MCDS, Pizza hut, Secret Recipe and KFC.

your choice :)

So there.

Mid terms officially over, thank goodnesss *breaths in breaths out*

I did badly for my math. I can never score well for that particular subject.

Garrhhhh... ^$#$*#((@!#$

Its frickin' frustrating


* jumps like a maniac*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOO!!! TRUE FRIENDS QUIZ!!! wahahaha!! why got the word quiz wan?? aiyoyoyooooo=)


9:20 PM  

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