Saturday, June 23, 2007

30 Minutes.

30 minutes to dinner time so Ive got time to update.

Yesterday, we had our usual outing but this time, with the guyzZzzZ.
Initially, it was just us girls doing what our usual stufff but later , the guys joined us for a movie.

All 8 of us watched ALONE and I swear, you guys better watch this by hook or crook, just catch this thai horror flickkkk.

This.. Ive gotta admit that I absolutely felled in love with it when I first saw the trailer. Its just uber creepy and cool.

I dig thai flicks aloooot!
Surprisingly, I could understand the whole story line without asking anyone about the story line after leaving the cinema XD

yay grenda!!!

It was thaaaat good , guys.

Alicia didnt wana watch so she came later..The classmates came too but we were all in the same theater but different seatings.

Other than that, I got my fringe chopped off today. Not much of a difference but at least its not so disturbing.

All I have to do now is put on my thinking cap and decide wheter to cut or not.

Aiyaaa malas to think la and I would have to dye it after I chop it anyway soooo this is really a burden man.


Rainbow heart club without dear kylie. kylie come home quickk.

I love them all!

Get Well Soon Abbie and Devis. Hope your rashes are getting better. Hopefully we don't have to encounter with anymore of those crockcroches next week :)

Alright, dinner time


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