Sunday, September 17, 2006


Pei Shan and Jin Hong turns 17.

Pei Shan;I've known this girl for four years.I remember my very FIRST day in Form3,you were the one who was encouraging me and making me all happy because i hated being in that class and i didn't know a single soul except SOME la.Not so closed friends.I almost cried when Pei Shan came to me and said it was okay.

Pei Shan is SPECIAL in her own way.She's as crazy and hyper like ME :) Somehow she laughs at her own jokes.haha.That,we cannot deny.Her BIGGEST fear is snakes.

Our recent picture at Curve 2006.

L-R : Su Mei,Myself,Eeyin and Pei Shan

Jin Hong;We've been friends for five years.I must admit,you really have the looks to attract girls.And you're always talking about how sexy and hot your haircut is.This guy is a number 1 football freak.undying number 1 fan of Man.Utd.Its funny how when we always chat online,either one of us will be sick.How sad huh?Oh and Jin Hong!Quickly get your licence and we can race when i recover :P

Jin Hong , your one of a kind.

The seven of us.

L-R : Myself,Marg,Poh-ge,Jin Hong,Ishnee,Steph and Leena.

Happy Birthday Pei Shan and Jin Hong.I pray that you both will grow gracefully and have a wonderful life ahead.I pray that you'll both be always happy and healthy and strong.


Today,i had an appointment for checkups.My legs was swollen like shit.If you look closely,its swollen till theres a small lump sticking out.

So,i complained to mommy and she told the doctor.Doctor scanned my leg and of course it was swollen.And there's long conversations between the doctor and mom about the pro's and con's of having injection as it will relieve the pain.That's the only good thing we can do about it.They were actually discussing it for me to listen but i really didn't want to listen at all because i don't want to go through painful moments again.


What if it doesn't help a single bit?What if i can't walk forever?Then,Stacy joined into the conversation.She was so sweet and nice.She told me that i've been very strong all these while.I gone through the painful moments when my slip disc was worst.It's just injection anyway.It won't hurt much,just slightly.

Doctor kept asking for my opinion if i want to take the jap because it is my choice you see.So i sat there,thinking and thinking.My heart beating twice as normal as before.I really don't like it.I don't like the fact of having injections and worst is,i don't like the fact that i CAN'T walk.I really don't have the mood to do anything.

Eventually,i quickly gave my answer to the doctor and said "yes,i'll just take it."

So yeah.I got 3 japs right on my knee.Im glad i made the right decision.

Tomorrow,my mom's gonna talk to the headmistress or datin about my injury as i can't walk up and down stairs too much.Hopefully they'll change my class just like Hui Lin did recently because of her leg injury.I don't want mine to get worst.

Im just not in the mood for anything.


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