Friday, April 20, 2007

Break Time

Holidays are here.

One whole frigging week. *jumps with joy*
Actually, I dont really feel much joy about this come holidays. Maybe im like used to the college atmosphere and already comfy with the new friends rather than being a coach potato at home.

My plans for the week is to revise for all my subjects.
Yes, for my IT *faints*

Other than that, I should be going back to college to get some stuff done and sorts. This is actually a reminder to self. hee :D*

I havetostudy. Ihavetostudy. ihave tostudy.
*reminder to self again*

And did I tell you how much I LOVE my college mates.


Meet my college mates <3 <3<3

Obviously these are not ALL my college buddies, but these people are one of my closest and people who are definetly worth a BOMB.



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