Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Scroll Down High School.

Mommy woke us up this morning for breakfast at DU and a trip down to my previous high school to get books for little sister who-just-finished-her-pmr-and-about-to-step-into-another-brand-new-year-of-form- FOUR.

yeah,whatever waise ;p

So I was like,
"Hey! Why not? It used to be my very own school where I disobey-ed a number of school rules.heeh ;D "

Not much of a change, ey?
I abso-frickin'-lutely missed high school especially SMKDU which I call LOVE except.. maybe except for the recent headmistress.

Screw it.

High school was the best years ever in my life.

Guys, remember this place?

Where we have to 'berkumpul' every single morning for every single speech or singing the national athem, Negaraku? and the school song and even throwing rocks at eachother during the long hours of speech and Pn Chong PC will always walk around and snatching peoples earrings. GOSH.

Im missing it lots!

Wished I could turn back the time.

I'm feeling very depressed and not in the mood to talk.

I just love the feeling of being back to school and forgetting all the sorrows and college life and all the stress.



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