Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Party Crashers.

Initially the plan was just Chloe-Myself and lunch but eventually we became the party crashers and the birthday boy was obviously a happy one.
Well, lucky us.

Party Crashers. Teehee. :p
It started off with awkward smiles and introducing everyone in the crowd.
However, the crowd was pretty welcoming also lah and I'm glad to have known another bunch of crazy wackos.

Birthday boy Calvin with his complimentary cake with icecream.
Yummm! :D
It's always good to be the birthday boy or girl because you are always throwed with complimentary items and do silly things on your B-Day.
Better still, if you happen to be the attention seeker kind of person, aha! A perfect day for you.

Happy Birthday Calv.

Heehee. :p


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