Thursday, November 06, 2008

Playing Smarty Pants.

Four of us headed to some coffee shop slash bakery for some catching up.

It's funny how destiny works, when out of the blue,

Yens decided to show up and joined us.
Upon arrival, the place was filled with bread, bread scent and cakes.
Unusual place. :S

Oh well, it's the company that counts, no?

Check out the amount of bread behind. Cool, yes. *laughs*

After endless amount of stories, we proceeded to The Apartment @ The Curve.

Kimmoe, Fiona, Myself.

On another note, more catching up with,

Henry the Beef.
More like chicken talk and performing card tricks and the likes by,


If that is the case, the remainders was obviously the spectators,

Pearly and Myself.

A very downright hilarious moment and obviously good laughs.

Somehow, it doesn't end there. When it was bedtime, I stripped off to my p'jas and lo and behold.
Look, look, lookie!

Playing smarty pants isn't doing me any justice.


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