Thursday, October 25, 2007

Four Down..

Do you know how it feels like to have completed a task/subject which you truly dislike deep down in your heart but you're forced to do it no matter what?

Today is the day I officially completed one of my LAN subjects.

The dreadful dreaded moral studies.

After months of complaining how I dread going for LAN classes, after MONTHS of staying back every Thursdays, after MONTHS of coming back to college just for LAN when I'm having my semester break and most of all, after MONTHS of loafing around MV every Thursday(well, this is an XD)

.. it has finally come to an end!

You guys woudn't understand how I feel if you guys haven't took this subject I mean cmon lah its not even moral studies its more like history learning about names of books and whats worst is its NOOOOT similar to your form 4 or 5 moral dream on people.

To people I adore soSOO muchos(abbie kimberley devis kent zen henry and everyone else who're doing moral studies next sem)...

I wish yoU all the best!

I pray you people get Ms Geetha.
She has an uber sweet voice.

But then again, maybe its the other way round ;P

P/S, Go away flu, you nasty thing. Stop disturbing me during exam period! grr


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