Someone's Old.
Secondly, someone's birthday is today.
Who, you may ask?
It's not other than,
Phang Ke Xin.
I remember how I first met this girl (well actually I remember how I meet everyone else.hee :D)
We weren't quite close at the beginning of the 1st semester but as days pass, our friendship became stronger or whatever you call it.
We started to hang out, have lunch and all that jazz..
She goes around commenting on how pretty others clothing is. lol XD
And don't ever mess with her because she's a sweetheart, really.
Not kidding, yo.
She accompany me even when it's raining cats and dogs outside but still, she NEVER fails to accompany me to KFC under the rain.
Thx alot hun *hugs*
She NEVER fails to strike a good pose with ME although she thinks taking pictures in public is "ugly".
There, there's a prove of us taking picture on a roadside *points above*
And her overused phrase is,
" Waise, its SO easy to be your boyfriend! Can make you happy so easily "
Happy Blessed Birthday, Kexin!
We better go get some mamee, bytes, icecream for the next few weeks.
I need those to gain some energy for 10 hours living in college.
Love you. xx