Monday, March 31, 2008

Girly Issue.

Often I tend to question myself if what I am up to now is right or wrong.

They say, when a new love grows, the old one dies.

Then again, what IS life without being hurt? Without knowing someone elses' flaws?
Somehow a pretty simple question, yes?

None in this world is perfect.

Snapping back to reality, today I had a little girly issue with daddy.

He was asking for tissue (fyi, i was carrying a bag, mind you) so daddy was obviously being the 'smart' one to ask me for tissue *since I was carrying a bag, MIND YOU ;p*

" No paps, I've got no tissue in my bag"

" What is wrong with you girls. A bag but NO tissues? "

And he proceded to buy me a packet of tissue and commanded that I should keep the tissue in my bag wherever I go.

The World's BEST DADDY?

With just the presence of daddy, I know, I have NOTHING to worry about *although he always lectures me, in the car, on the way to college, on the way for a movie, on the way to meet up with some friends of mine, during dinner and etc etc*

Instead, I believe that I will be gaining more in return :)


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