Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Byebye Papers.

I always thought that everything will be smooth for me during examinations *i.e remember exam docketVERYVERY important or bring extra stationaries because nobody would borrow me OR once I sit down, flip the exam paper and DO remember to read the questions atleast twice or thriceVERYVERY important*

Note: I capitalize it because I never knew I was so silly to read the question wrongly and you dont know how upset and panic I was : ((((

#1. Thing is, I wrote a page on the question and fifteen minutes before time was up, obviously everyone goes through their answer sheets again.

#2. Therefore, flip flip flip and there goes my heartbeat, skipping twice as fast. You have zero idea how panic I was, shivering, shaking with the aircon blowing right on top of my head and was almost giving up my hope, ALMOST in tears.

#3. With just a handful of precious fifteen minutes, I slashed through the wrong answer sheet and started on a brand new sheet, praying to God and crossing my fingers for an answer.

#4. Sigh with relief
Moral of this story?
God is good :)
On a happier note, exams officially over.
Headed down to our favourite place and met with the guys.
Rick. Me. Astro Boy. Hock Wee.
Half of the Brotherhood.

Finally get to sit back, relax and catch a horror flick!
Woo :D

English Version of Shutter.

Time to boost up my energy level to scream out loud in the cinemas and I actually enjoyed it!

.. but he didn't ;p

Aww Jack, I promise next time you get to pick the movie okay?

Met awhole lot of HMC'S there.

Settled down and treated ourselves with pastas.

Perfect to gain weight!Sometimes, I wished we don't gain weight at all so we could just indulge ourselves with everything.

Le Sigh.

Talk about holidays sums up to serious weight gain.
We'll wait and see.

Totally unrelated but I really should settle down for a productive holiday with a hobby.
Perhaps yoga lessons.

Who's up for it?


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