Sunday, November 19, 2006

Because Its Already Down to Seven

Exactly seven subjects more to go for me.
I am officially, yes I can confidently and proudly say that I am officially done with accounts and commerce :D

Because I strongly hate accounts since the day I was ever taught.
( since when do I actually properly sit down and do accounts. )

Three words.
Accounts paper down. It's over, dooode. After five years of waiting and studying and learning new topics and applying formula's into sums and learning to draw graf's and the importance of every single par of the human body.
You know, stuff that you learn.

It's frustrating and disturbing to think that I haven't studied enough or on the day of the paper itself, when I panicked and nothing comes across my mind and I just stare stonely at the piece of white exam sheet thinking of what to write and possibly crap something on it eventually just to try my luck and hoping with all my heart to get credits from there.

Can cry :(

The minute I settle myself in front of my study table, I make sure that I get a few things done so that the feeling of being guilty for not revising won't effect me but then again, this is gonna be for a few more days, more or less and then it's gonna be over.
This is not too bad after all, yeah?

but the feeling of leaving high school is bad, trust me on that!

Bee M used to be one of my favourite subject and it's tomorrow.
Accounts and Commerce is over.

Whaaat else?

Hmm.. I just got back from Petaling Street.
My mother and sister wanted to buy some stuff so we had lunch around KL and headed over to Petaling Street.

Now, now, now.
The point is NOT about the stuff that my mother and sister got, its just ....

OMG. Petaling Street is such a fake place. Everything is fake. The bags, the clothes, watches, shoes, hmmm everything actually is fake.

And what I wanted to comment about is the people is fake as well.

Hahahahaha :D

If you really know me, I'm actually quite observant especially looking at people especially dude's, yes? :P

There was these bunch of malay rempit's hanging around at some alcohol shop, drinking , smoking and doing their thang and I tell youuuu.. they were all in tight and i mean uber TIGHTTT jeans and shirt.

I'm disguisted.

Also, there was this indian couple and the guy was in super whoopper TIGHT pants and shirt and and and... his hair was long till his ass like some crazy drug addict mofo.

I'm disguisted.

Petaling Street is like the LAST place for boy-scouting but the BEST place to go if you don't mind fake and cheap stuff.


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